The Gateless Zendo
(The Zen Shul)
The Gateless Zendo, (The Zen Shul) welcomes all to come together and practice zazen. As we do so, we touch the heart of all teachings and turn them into our flesh and bones. Division and loneliness subside as we make our life into a Sanctuary and encounter the Divine in all.
"A student asked a sage, how do I know this person is a true Rabbi, or Teacher?
The sage responded,
"It's easy, just see how happy he makes his wife!"
Where Is God When I Need Him?
So many people today are asking, where is God when I need him? Where is God during this time of division, fighting, hatred. How can God allow this kind of pain?
This question is an eternal, perpetual cry. There's one answer, One Truth.
God is right here with us in the midst of our ordinary, so called normal daily life. And the best place to find Him is at the Kitchen Table. After all, everyone loves being in the kitchen, sharing coffee, tea, soup and nourishment of all kind. The best place to find God is right where you are.
As we explore this primal quest for God, we discover simple steps to take. And, as we do so, it's easy to see that:
It's Not that God Is Absent. It's Us! We're Not Here.
In this program we will discover how to Be Here, Answer The Call. We'll learn to Truly Listen and also to Hear.
For most the search for God is a search for nourishment. In this journey we do not seek God for personal nourishment. Instead we find God, by entering the temple of the living God, providing nourishment, comfort and meaning. We also discover that each person we encounter is our teacher in what it means to truly connect with God.
The program will include talks, interactive workshops, steppingstones to take, guidance, koans, mitzvot and the joy of finding that we are never alone.
Brenda is a psychologist, author, speaker and life long practitioner of both Judaism and Zen. Her life long focus has been integrating both practices so that they become two wings of a bird, each needed for us to fly. Brenda is the author of many books on personal and spiritual development and a playwright. She offers ongoing talks, workshops, and a weekly podcast.
Offerings: Dharma Talks
Dharma talks offered regularly at the Morningstar Zendo and Inisfada Zendo
Kennedy Roshi Founder
Zen Studies Society
(Offered a course for eight years on Zen and Psychology)
Weekly Podcasts
Zen Wisdom For Your Everyday Life
One Minute Mitzvahs
(See below,)
Making Your Life Into A Zen Koan
The Practice of Zen and Judaism
(Jewish Koans for Your Life)
Sacred Psychology, (Spiritual Counseling)
Caring For Others During A Time of Need
Caregivers Guide To Nourishing and Being Nourished
The Journey of Releasing
(Letting Go With Ease)
Listen to Some Talks Below:

One Minute Mitzvah
One Minute Mitzvah
"The Path is Made by Walking On It"
The great truths of spiritual practice are not fulfilled until we make them into our flesh and bones, integrate them into our everyday lives. The question before us is always how have we lived these truths today? How and where have we welcomed the divine spirit? Who and how has it touched.
The great truths of spiritual practice are not fulfilled until we make them into our flesh and bones, integrate them into our everyday lives. The question before us is always how have we lived these truths today? How and where have we welcomed the divine spirit? Who and how has it touched.